Sunday, October 31, 2010

Make Sure You're Covered

My college has an insurance plan that you can sign up for, or you can use your family’s insurance. I chose to stick with my family’s insurance. I thought, “Why get a different insurance when I already have a good plan?” Well, I found out the answer to that question last week when I shut my finger in my dorm room door. I went to the wellness center, the on-campus doctors’ office, and showed them my swollen finger. The doctor suggested I get an x-ray as soon as possible. My insurance plan did not cover an x-ray at the hospital closest to my school because it was out of our network. I probably should have looked into that before I chose not to get the insurance the school offered. I had to wait until the next day to drive home and go to the hospital that was in my network. My finger was only a bad sprain but I would have saved myself a lot of time and frustration if I had compared the school insurance to my insurance more closely.
Whether you are clumsy, like me, or not I would look closely at all of your insurance options. I was lucky that my finger wasn’t more badly injured and I was able to drive myself home.  I suggest you ask your parents or someone you trust about the insurance plan that would be best for you. Make sure you’re covered by your insurance just in case something goes wrong.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dirty Business

While at college I have discovered something. I have discovered that some people are complete slobs. Luckily I have a clean roommate, but I cannot say the same about some of the other girls on my floor. The way my dorm is set up is that each floor (about 20 girls or guys) shares one bathroom. We had to have a meeting a few nights ago with the housing director because the janitor that cleans our bathroom told him it was gross. There was a pile of dirt in the middle of the floor! Seriously? How does a pile of dirt get in the middle of the floor without someone noticing they brought it in? People need to just clean up after themselves. People also have cereal or soup in their rooms and when they wash out the bowl in the bathroom they just leave the leftover food in the sink. Gross.
So my advice to you is to clean up after yourself. You may think, “Oh it’s only a few cheerios in the sink. No one will notice” but cheerios add up and they clog the sink. Trust me, the janitor will notice. If you just clean up after yourself than you won’t have to sit in a boring meeting listening to people tell you to clean the bathroom. If you notice your bathroom getting dirty I would recommend that you talk to your floor advisor right away so that things don’t get too out of hand. Maybe you can suggest putting up signs to remind people to clean up after themselves. Whatever you do though, don’t make a mess.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Saturday Night Lessons

So this past weekend my roommate Angela and I learned a few very valuable lessons.
Lesson number one: just because someone is ringing the doorbell to your floor does not necessarily mean you should answer it.
It was about 11:30 on a Saturday night and my roommate and I were watching the movie 17 Again, which has the adorable Zac Efron in it, but anyways about halfway through the movie we heard the doorbell ring. We ignored it and figured if someone on our floor was expecting a guest they would answer the door. Well a couple seconds later it rang again, and again, and again. Finally whoever was ringing the doorbell decided to just lean on it for a couple minutes, which got very annoying very quickly. Turns out there were only two other girls on the floor besides my roommate and myself. I went to answer the door at the same time as one of the other two girls on the floor. We opened the door and a group of guys were standing there. We let them in to the hallway and they told us that they were participating in a scavenger hunt. We didn’t understand how that involved us until they said they needed a ten second video of one of them grinding with one of us.
Lesson number two: If you do not follow lesson number one and you answer the door, find out what the people want before you let them onto your floor and it is too late to slam the door in their faces.
So the other girl and I exchanged a look that said, “no way am I doing this” and told the guys we would be right back that we were going to get our roommates. So when we returned with our roommates the guys explained again to the four of us exactly what they needed. Without saying anything the four of us girls all touched our fingers to our nose (the nose goes game). Then we all ran down the hall and locked ourselves in our rooms, leaving the guys standing in the hallway. After a few minutes of roaming up and down the hallway asking if we were coming back and  getting no response the guys got the picture and left. This could have been totally avoided if we had only followed lesson number one.